Britannia Good Day Chunkies, 100g (Pack of 2) at Rs.100 at Free Download

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Britannia Good Day Chunkies, 100g (Pack of 2) at Rs.100

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Amazon India is selling Britannia Good Day Chunkies, 100g (Pack of 2) worth Rs.160 at Rs.100 along with free shipping charges. This product is exclusively launched by Amazon India and not available on any online stores.

How to buy Britannia Good-bye Chunkies, 100g (Pack of 2) :

  • Go to the Amazon Tender Paginate.
  • Add Product to the cart.
  • Enter the transportation details.
  • Make the final defrayal.
  • Enjoy the deal.

Product Details :

  • Abundance of big chocolate chips that melting in the speak up
  • Perfect combination of morose and milk burnt umber chips
  • Rich, chocolaty dough baked until the Chunkie rises to perfection
  • Each throng contains 6 delicious cookies

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Britannia Good Day Chunkies, 100g (Pack of 2) at Rs.100 at Free Download

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